Admission Information
Children are usually admitted from the surrounding areas of the setting, however we welcome applications from any parent who is interested in attempting to secure a place for their child.
Over Subscription Criteria
In the event of the preschool receiving more applications than places available, children will be ranked against the over-subscription criteria listed below. Within each criterion, children will be ranked by their straight line distance to the preschool with children nearer being given a higher rank.
Late completion and return the contract may affect the priority rating of the application.
Children can be admitted to the preschool on their second birthday. Some children will attend school full time, others for part of the day, depending on their funding allowance (15 or 30 hours).
Siblings living at the same address of children who already attend the preschool, will be given priority.
Children will be ranked by their straight line distance to the preschool with children nearer being given a higher rank.
How to Apply
STEP 1: Fill in the online application form below for Kids Play & Learn Ltd.
STEP 2: Download the correct KCC Funding Application form below. This must be printed and brought with you when you visit the preschool for induction. This requires a hand signature and CANNOT be submitted online